This mod adds the Vegetable Merchant Hubelpot Thistledown NPC to the game?
The maintenance and support of this project has been moved to a new repository.
This mod adds the Vegetable Merchant Hubelpot Thistledown to the game. He is a joinable druid-NPC. You can find him in Enge’s fruit and vegetable shop in Waukeen’s Promenade (he’s leasing the space).
Hubelpot is by default a Totemic Druid. The village wise man who can call spirits to aid his people is well established in folkloric tradition, and fits Hubelpot well enough. He also has two kit options: the Village Druid for those who want something a bit different, and the Vegetable Farmer for those who want a powerful kit with high comic relief value. Both of the new kits are NPC only, and both are fairly well-balanced compared to other BG2 kits.
Hubelpot features around 30 banters, none of them breaking the 4th wall, and none of them featuring the word “turnip”. He interacts with every Bioware NPC except Sarevok. In ToB he’s still fairly quiet, only speaking up when called, with Volo and at the end of ToB; he does have an epilogue. If there is an expansion, more ToB dialog will be added.
From a play value point of view, Hubelpot adds one quest with an unusual reward. As a single class druid with a unique item and a few kit options, he starts off able to survive and contribute and will be roughly as powerful as most of the Bioware NPCs by the end of the game.
Disclaimer: Hubelpot is not a tool of the devil. Hubelpot is not now nor has he ever been a communist. Hubelpot is not down with his bad self. Hubelpot is not the walrus. He is the vegetable man.
This mod is designed to work on the following Infinity Engine games: the original Baldur’s Gate II (BG2, or just SoA) with or without the Throne of Bhaal (ToB) expansion, Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition (BG2:EE), the conversion projects Baldur’s Gate Trilogy (BGT) and Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET).
Hubelpot is a WeiDU mod, and therefore should be compatible with all WeiDU mods. Though we are striving to make Hubelpot compatible with as many other mods as possible, there is always a chance that incompatibilities will arise. As it has not yet been thoroughly tested without the ToB expansion, we cannot be sure whether the effects used by any of our custom spells or items require ToB. If you encounter any bugs, please report them on the forum!
Although it is not required for Hubelpot the Vegetable Merchant to function properly, classical game players are strongly recommended to download and install the latest version of the BG2 Fixpack before proceeding with the installation of this mod.
If you’ve previously installed the mod, remove it before extracting the new version. To do this, run setup-hubelpot.exe
, un-install all previously installed main component and delete the :filefolder: _hubelpot folder.
When installing or un-installing, do not close the DOS window by clicking on the X button! Instead, press the Enter key whenever instructed to do so.
Disable any antivirus or other memory-resident software before installing this or any other mod. Some (particularly avast and Norton!) have a tendency to report false positives with mod activity, resulting in failed installs.
The Enhanced Editions are actively supported games. Please note that every patch update will wipe your current mod setup! If in the middle of a modded game you might want to delay the patch update (if possible) as even after reinstalling the mods, you might not be able to continue with your old savegames. Alternatively, copy the whole game’s folder into a new one that can be modded and will stay untouched by game patches. It is important that you install the mod to the language version you are playing the game in. Otherwise, the dialogues of the mod will not show but give error messages.
Hubelpot for Windows is distributed as an extractable compressed archive and includes a WeiDU installer.
Extract the contents of the mod archive into the folder of the game you wish to modify (the folder which contains the “CHITIN.KEY” file), using 7zip, WinRAR, or another file compression utility that handles .zip files. On successful extraction, there should be a hubelpot folder and a setup-hubelpot.exe file in your game folder. To install, simply double-click
and follow the instructions on screen.
Run setup-hubelpot.exe
in your game folder to reinstall, un-install or otherwise change the components settings.
Hubelpot for Mac OS X is distributed is distributed in the same compressed archive and includes a WeiDU installer.
First, extract the files from the archive into your game directory. On successful extraction, there should be a hubelpot folder, setup-hubelpot and setup-hubelpot.command files in your game folder. To install, simply double-click
and follow the instructions on screen.
Run setup-hubelpot.command
in your game folder to reinstall, un-install or otherwise change the components settings.
Hubelpot for Linux is distributed in the same compressed archive and does not include a WeiDU installer.
Extract the contents of the mod to the folder of the game you wish to modify.
Download the latest version of WeiDU for Linux from and copy weidu and weinstall to /usr/bin. Following that, open a terminal, cd
to your game installation directory, run tolower and answer ‘Y’ to both queries. You can avoid running the second option (linux.ini) if you’ve already ran it once in the same directory. To save time, the archive is already tolowered, so there’s no need to run the first option (lowercasing file names) either if you’ve extracted only this mod since the last time you lowercased file names. If you’re unsure, running tolower and choosing both options is the safe bet.
To install, run weinstall setup-hubelpot
in your game folder. Then run wine bgmain.exe
(or wine baldur.exe
for EE games) and start playing.
In addition to the methods above for removing individual components, you can completely un-install the mod using setup-hubelpot --uninstall
at the command line to remove all components without wading through prompts.
The installer includes the following components. The number of each is the component DESIGNATED
number which gives it a fixed install position and allows automated installers to specify component choices.
[0] Hubelpot is a Totemic Druid (by default)
[1] Hubelpot is a Village Druid (Druidic kit)
[2] Hubelpot is a Vegetable Farmer (Druidic kit)
➽ This main component adds the Vegetable Merchant Hubelpot Thistledown to the game. He is by default a Totemic Druid, but has two kit options: the Village Druid for those who want something a bit different, and the Vegetable Farmer for those who want a powerful kit with high comic relief value.
➽ This optional component replaces Hubelpot portraits with Endika alternate one
☛ For support or questions, please visit the mod forum.
Authors: Robert Dorf (aka BobTokyo) and Sebastian Conrad (aka SConrad)
☛ If you wish to translate the mod, have a suggestion, or should encounter any bugs, please report them to the maintainers at the mod forum.
keyword with SUPPORT
function to convert string entries for EE games (to prepare for possible translations).REQUIRE_PREDICATE
process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.DESIGNATED
numbers and “hubelpot_npc_totemic_druid“, “hubelpot_npc_village_druid“, “hubelpot_npc_vegetable_farmer“ and “hubelpot_npc_alternate_portrait“ LABELS
process: added missing lower kit strref.REPLACE_TEXTUALLY
) with a more elegant one that actually displays the strref related to Hubelpot Druidic Kit, which solves this annoying bug. Now, Hubelpot recall will be displayed before Imoen.TakePartyItem("SC#HuGl")
function, and removes AR0530.bcs patch.<LADYLORD>
to fix the bug with incorrect gender reference to <CHARNAME>
if another NPC started the dialog (Austin).GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE
WeiDU function requirements which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games.