项目作者: NogaKazaha

项目描述 :
Refresh of C marathon
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/NogaKazaha/Ucode-C-Refresh.git
创建时间: 2020-10-19T19:39:00Z



This is my repository for UCODE Refresh C works.

Name Description Grade
Task00 A function that outputs a single character to the standard output. 100
Task01 A function that outputs the alphabet, alternating upper and lower case characters in ascending order. 100
Task02 Standard functions and the basics of mathematics implementation in C. 100
Task03 A function that outputs a string of characters. 100
Task04 A function that outputs integer values. 100
Task05 A function that computes ‘n’ raised to the power of zero or a positive integer ‘pow’. 100
Task06 A function that computes the non-negative square root of ‘x’. 100
Task07 A function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order. 100
Task08 A function that has the same behaviour as the standard libc function strcmp. 100
Task09 A function that has the same behaviour as the standard libc functionstrcpy. 100
Task10 A functon that prints it’s arguments. 100
Task11 A functon that sorts it’s arguments. 100
Task12 A function that calculates the factorial of a non-negative integer using an iterative algorithm. 100
Task13 A function that sorts an array of strings in place in lexicographical order using bubble sort. 100
Task14 A function that searches the strings in the array arr with the given size using binary search. 100
Task15 A function that allocates memory for a string of a specific size and one additional byte for theterminating ‘\0’ 100
Task16 A function that has the same behaviour as the standard libc function strdup. 100
Task17 A function that converts a hexadecimal string into an unsigned long number. 100
Task18 A function that applies the functionf for each element of the array arr given size. 100

Feel free to use this repository for your own UCODE works (if you are a UCODE student too). I’m working on Refresh Marathon C in October 2020.