项目作者: lucasgday
项目描述 :
Easy plot WTI oil futures data
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/lucasgday/oilfuturesdata.git
Oil Futures Data Plotting
Easy plot WTI oil futures data.
This repo includes two files:
- oil_futures.py
- oil_functions.py
This file includes the main function which is based on oil_functions.py.
It outputs two plots, as the following (e.g. for 4 forward years):
Prices Plot

Volume Plot

This file includes 3 functions:
- getdata(period): it gets the futures data for the years requested and with the trading history of the requested period. When executed, it requests an input, which must be an integer representing the number of years of future prices we want to download. It downloads data using yfinance.
It outputs two DataFrames with prices and volumes traded in the period. - price_plot(prices): plots yesterday’s prices
- volume_plot(volume): plots yesterday’s traded volume in log scale