A fast and minimal PSR-11 compatible Dependency Injection Container with array-syntax and without auto-wiring
A fast and minimal PSR-11 compatible Dependency Injection Container with array-syntax and without auto-wiring.
composer require phpwatch/simple-container
Simple Container supports array-syntax for setting and fetching of services and values. You can mark certain services as factory or protected later too.
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
$container = new PHPWatch\SimpleContainer\Container();
$container['database.dsn'] = 'mysql:host=localhost;database=test';
$container['database'] = static function(ContainerInterface $container): \PDO {
return new \PDO($container->get('database.dsn'));
$container['api.ipgeo'] = 'rhkg3...';
Do not use this class as a service locator. The closures you declare for each service will get the Container
instance, from which you can fetch services using the array syntax:
$container['database']; // \PDO
// OR
$container->get('database'); // \PDO
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use PHPWatch\SimpleContainer\Container;
$services = [
'database' => [
'dsn' => 'sqlite...'
'prefix' => 'Foo',
'csprng' => static function (ContainerInterface $container) {
return $container->get('prefix') . bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
$container = new Container($services);
$container->get('prefix'); // Foo
If the service definition is a closure (similar to the database
example above), the return value will be cached, and returned for subsequent calls without instantiating again. This is often the use expected behavior for databases and other reusable services.
To execute the provided closure every-time a service is requested (for example, to return an HTTP client), you can use factories.
$container->setFactory('http.client', static function(ContainerInterface $container) {
$handler = new curl_init();
curl_setopt($handler,CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $container->get('http.user-agent'));
return $handler;
The example above will always return a new curl handler resource everytime $container->get('http.client')
is called, with the User-Agent string set to the http.user-agent
value from container.
You can also mark a container service as a factory method later if it’s already set:
$container->setFactory('http.client'); // Mark existing definition as a factory.
If you have already declared the http.client
service, it will now be marked as factory. If the existing declaration is not set, or is not a callable
, a PHPWatch\SimpleContainer\Exception\BadMethodCallExceptionTest
exception will be thrown.
Simple Container expects the service declarations to be closures, and it will execute the closure by itself to return the service. However, in some situations, you need to return a closure itself as the service.
$container['csprng'] = static function(): string {
return bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
$container['csprng']; // "eaa3e95d4102..."
$container['csprng']; // "eaa3e95d4102..."
$container['csprng']; // "eaa3e95d4102..."
This behavior is probably not what you wanted. You can mark the service as factory to retrieve different values every-time it is called. You can also mark it as protected, which will return the closure itself, so you can call it on your code:
$container->setProtected('csprng', static function(): string {
return bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
$csprng = $container->get('csprng');
echo $csprng(); // eaa3e95d4102...
echo $csprng(); // b857ce87400b...
echo $csprng(); // a833e3db880...
Just use the array syntax and add/remove services
// Remove:
// Extend:
$container['secret.service'] = static function(): void { throw new \Exception('You are not allowed to use this');}
By design, container is not allowed to be frozen. The Container
class is extensible (get
, getOffset
, or the Container
class itself are not declared final) if you absolutely need this feature.
You are welcome to raise an issue or a PR if you have any questions or suggestions. Please keep in mind that this container aims to be the simplest and fastest container, and follow SOLID principles. Any feature that steps outside these goals (see design goals above) will likely not be accepted. However, your contributions will be appreciated and considered regardless of their nature.
This project is inspired by the Pimple project. It is no closed for new features and modifications, and does not support PSR-11. This sparked the idea of this project, and Pimple deserves the credit for its solid architecture and minimal set of features, including the support for array syntax.
Although separate projects, Simple Container is largely compatible with Pimple. This project is used in PHP.Watch and drop-in replaced Pimple.