项目作者: kiryk

项目描述 :
a PVP action textual game for *NIX
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/kiryk/dunge.git
创建时间: 2017-12-23T17:37:17Z

开源协议:MIT License



Dunge is a textual PVP game that I wrote several years ago as an experiment.


Plot of the game unintentionally reminds plot of the action movie Die Hard, you are in a burning office building and have to survive, the last player who survives - wins. You are allowed to attack and kill the others.

Running the game

To compile the game on NIX, use command `cc -o dunge .c -pthread`

To host it, use command ./dunge [port].

To connect to an already hosted game use netcat or telnet. This should work on any operating system.


Command Description
use [item] Use specified item, items that are equipable, have to be taken at first, for instance, you can use doors without equiping them
take [item] Equip specified item, not all items are equipable though
drop [item] Drop specified item
hold [item] Take one of your equipped items to your hand, in order to help or attack the others with it
attack [player] “Attack” specified player, with the item you currenlty hold in hand, if it’s food or bandage, you’ll feed or heal them
exit Exit the game (by commiting suicide)