Observable properties which are notifying listeners about changes
This project contains properties which are able to notify registered listeners about changes.
Insert dependency into your maven pom.xml
Simple properties are forced to contain a value. For optional values consider to use an OptionalProperty
Property<Object> property = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(new Object());
Object object = property.get();
property.set(new Object());
public class MyChangeListener implements ChangeListener<Object> {
public void onChange(ReadonlyProperty<Object> property, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
// property: the property instance which is currently notifying this listener
// oldValue: the value before this change occurred
// newValue: the new value
ChangeListener<Object> listener = new MyChangeListener();
property.addListener(new ChangeListener<TestObject>() {
public void onChange(ReadonlyProperty<TestObject> property, TestObject oldValue, TestObject newValue) {
// property: the property instance which is currently notifying this listener
// oldValue: the value before this change occurred
// newValue: the new value
property.addListener((property, oldValue, newValue) -> {
// property: the property instance which is currently notifying this listener
// oldValue: the value before this change occurred
// newValue: the new value
Property<String> property = new StringProperty<>("your property value");
Property<Integer> property = new IntegerProperty<>(123);
Property<Double> property = new DoubleProperty<>(1.23);
Property<Boolean> property = new BooleanProperty<>(true);
Property<Long> property = new LongProperty<>(123L);
Property<Float> property = new FloatProperty<>(1.23f);
short myShort = 123;
Property<Short> property = new ShortProperty<>(myShort);
Optional properties are able to be empty. Technically they contain a null
OptionalProperty<Object> property = new SimpleOptionalProperty<>(new Object()); // this property is filled
OptionalProperty<Object> empty = new SimpleOptionalProperty<>(); // this one is empty
Optional<Object> maybeObject = property.asOptional();
OptionalProperty<String> property = new OptionalStringProperty<>("your property value");
OptionalProperty<String> empty = new OptionalStringProperty<>();
OptionalProperty<Integer> property = new OptionalIntegerProperty<>(123);
OptionalProperty<Integer> empty = new OptionalIntegerProperty<>();
OptionalProperty<Double> property = new OptionalDoubleProperty<>(1.23);
OptionalProperty<Double> empty = new OptionalDoubleProperty<>();
OptionalProperty<Boolean> property = new OptionalBooleanProperty<>(true);
OptionalProperty<Boolean> empty = new OptionalBooleanProperty<>();
OptionalProperty<Long> property = new OptionalLongProperty<>(123L);
OptionalProperty<Long> empty = new OptionalLongProperty<>();
OptionalProperty<Float> property = new OptionalFloatProperty<>(1.23f);
OptionalProperty<Float> empty = new OptionalFloatProperty<>();
short myShort = 123;
OptionalProperty<Short> property = new OptionalShortProperty<>(myShort);
OptionalProperty<Short> empty = new OptionalShortProperty<>();