项目作者: chi0tzp

项目描述 :
Uncertainty-Aware CNN - Uncertainty propagation in CNN
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/chi0tzp/uacnn.git
创建时间: 2019-08-27T14:47:29Z

开源协议:MIT License


UA-CNN: Uncertainty-aware CNN

Propagation of Gaussian uncertainty through typical CNN building blocks.

Technical report can be found here. If you find UA-CNN useful in your research, please consider adding the following citation:

  1. @misc{uacnn,
  2. author = {Christos, Tzelepis and Ioannis, Patras},
  3. title = {{UA-CNN}: Uncertainty Propagation in Convolutional NeuralNetworks},
  4. year = {2020},
  5. publisher = {GitHub},
  6. journal = {GitHub repository},
  7. howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/chi0tzp/uacnn}},
  8. }
  • UAConv2d: Uncertainty-aware 2D convolution

  • UAAvgPool2d: Uncertainty-aware 2D pooling

  • UALinear: Uncertainty-aware linear (fully-connected) layer

  • UAReLU: Uncertainty-aware rectified linear unit for various amounts of input uncertainty

  • Expected BCE loss (UABCELoss) for various amounts of input uncertainty (dashed red lines) compared to standard BCE loss