项目作者: JayJayDee

项目描述 :
Free uncharted water web game API
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/JayJayDee/FreeChartedWater-Server.git
创建时间: 2014-12-06T16:48:54Z



  1. ______ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _
  2. | ___| / __ \ | | | | | | | | | |
  3. | |_ _ __ ___ ___| / \/ |__ __ _ _ __| |_ ___ __| | | | | __ _| |_ ___ _ __
  4. | _| '__/ _ \/ _ \ | | '_ \ / _` | '__| __/ _ \/ _` | |/\| |/ _` | __/ _ \ '__|
  5. | | | | | __/ __/ \__/\ | | | (_| | | | || __/ (_| \ /\ / (_| | || __/ |
  6. \_| |_| \___|\___|\____/_| |_|\__,_|_| \__\___|\__,_|\/ \/ \__,_|\__\___|_|


I’m a big fan of the Koei’s Uncharted Waters series. but as you know, recent series (UW5, UW6) are sucks!

so, I decided to make my own Uncharted Water game, so this is the reason why the name of project is ‘FreeChartedWater’.

Game Concept

The coodinate system

The game is modeling the earth’s surface, but not strictly using the exact coordinate system.

For ease of development, I used a simple two-dimensional planar coordinate system rather than latitude/longitude model.

For example, city: Lisbon’s coordinates can be expressed like followings:

  1. city: { x: 3000, y: 3000, radius: 30 }

Suppose you have a fleet named Raphael. The flagship of this fleet has coordinates and has a discoverable radius.
the fleet can be expressed like followings:

  1. fleet: { x: 2990, y: 2990, discoverable_radius: 30 }

If a collision between two circles is detected, the fleet may assume that it has found the city.


  • node.js 10.x
  • MariaDB or MySQL
  • Redis (Optional, but recommended, for scaling out the websocket)


each applications in this repository can be run like followings:

  1. npm run util:pourer # initial data pourer util
  2. npm run webserver # http API server

you can run each application with a development mode.

  1. npm run dev:util:pourer
  2. npm run dev:webserver

applications are same as followings:

  • util:pourer
  • util:sync
  • webserver
  • websocket
  • worker


a GraphQL server for in-game logics.


  1. npm run webserver


  1. MYSQL_HOST= mysql host
  2. MYSQL_PORT= mysql port
  3. MYSQL_USER= mysql user
  4. MYSQL_PASSWORD= password of user
  5. MYSQL_DATABASE= database name
  6. MYSQL_CONNECTION_LIMIT= number of connection limitation
  7. WEBSERVER_PORT= webserver port


websocket(socket.io) server for asynchronous events.


starts a Websocket(socket.io) server.

  1. npm run websocket


  1. MYSQL_HOST= mysql host
  2. MYSQL_PORT= mysql port
  3. MYSQL_USER= mysql user
  4. MYSQL_PASSWORD= password of user
  5. MYSQL_DATABASE= database name
  6. MYSQL_CONNECTION_LIMIT= number of connection limitation
  7. WEBSOCKET_PORT= websocket server port
  8. WEBSOCKET_USE_REDIS= (nullable) using redis when set TRUE, default is FALSE
  9. WEBSOCKET_REDIS_HOST= (nullable) redis host
  10. WEBSOCKET_REDIS_PORT= (nullable) redis port


worker for periodical jobs. for example, changing the date in the game, changing inflation rate between cities.. will be executed in worker.


starts a Worker.

  1. npm run worker


  1. MYSQL_HOST= mysql host
  2. MYSQL_PORT= mysql port
  3. MYSQL_USER= mysql user
  4. MYSQL_PASSWORD= password of user
  5. MYSQL_DATABASE= database name
  6. MYSQL_CONNECTION_LIMIT= number of connection limitation
  7. WORKER_PERIOD= e.g) 60 -> worker will run every 60 seconds.


synchronizes schemas with given database configuration. it is useful when setting up a new database server.


  1. npm run util:sync


  1. MYSQL_HOST= mysql host
  2. MYSQL_PORT= mysql port
  3. MYSQL_USER= mysql user
  4. MYSQL_PASSWORD= password of user
  5. MYSQL_DATABASE= database name
  6. MYSQL_CONNECTION_LIMIT= number of connection limitation

How to test


run with docker-compose