项目作者: sasalatart

项目描述 :
A GraphQL workshop for my colleagues :P
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/sasalatart/graphql-workshop.git
创建时间: 2020-01-03T01:40:20Z

开源协议:MIT License


GraphQL Workshop

code style: prettier

You may find the slides of the presentation here.

Technologies Used

  • Apollo Server
  • Jest
  • Lowdb (to keep data management simple)

Development Setup

  1. Clone and cd into this repository.
  2. Make sure you have Node v12.13.1 installed.
  3. Run yarn install to install node dependencies.
  4. Run yarn dev to run the application on port 3000.


You may run eslint by executing:

  1. $ yarn lint


You may run jest by executing:

  1. $ yarn test