项目作者: ezg97
项目描述 :
📅 - Generate weekly work schedules for your company's employees.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/ezg97/Anytime-Scheduler-Client.git
Anytime Scheduler Client
Live Site: Anytime Scheduler
Create an account or login if you’re an existing user, then add, edit, or delete users from your company, edit the hours of operation, and the labor (amount of employees working per hour). The info you provide will allow the application to generate a weekly schedule that adheres to your specifications.
Technologies Used
Created and bootstrapped with create-react-app. This app uses HTML/CSS/React JavaScript to present a complete client side application.
The backend/database uses Node/Exress/PostrgreSQL that is tested by mocha/chai, which you can find here: https://github.com/ezg97/Anytime-Scheduler-Server
Page Layout:
1. This is the landing page, provides a description of the app and an option to login or signup

2. Login Page for returning users, also showing the demo accounts user login info

3. Signup account for new users to create an account

4. This is the home page, once logged in, you can chose which option to navigate to, or logout

5. This is the demo page, you can select the day of the week you desire and veiw the schedule for that day, return home, or logout

6. This is the operations page, you can select page you want to navigate to, each page listed here can modify the schedule that you generate

7. This is the Add Employees page, you can add employees, go back (on mobile and tablet devices a back button is displayed), return home, or logout

8. This is the Edit Employees page, you can edit employees, go back (on mobile and tablet devices a back button is displayed), return home, or logout

9. This is the hours page, you can select the day you want to edit, then set the hours of operation for that day. Also, you can go back (on mobile and tablet devices a back button is displayed), return home, or logout

10. This is the labor page, you can select the day and time that you want to edit, then set the labor for that hour/day. Also, you can go back (on mobile and tablet devices a back button is displayed), return home, or logout