项目作者: siffiejoe

项目描述 :
LuaRocks installer for Windows bundling Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, Lua 5.3, and the MinGW compiler
高级语言: Batchfile
项目地址: git://github.com/siffiejoe/prg-lr4win.git
创建时间: 2014-04-09T18:16:14Z




LuaRocks installer for Windows bundling Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, Lua 5.3, and
the MinGW compiler.

Build Instructions


  • a Windows OS
  • Inno Setup (tested with 5.5.4 (u))
  • git (e.g. git for Windows) (optional, see below)
  • the rest will be downloaded during the build

How to build:

  1. Clone this repository using the --recursive flag (to
    include the LuaRocks submodule). As an alternative you could
    download the zip files for both Github projects and extract them
    to the correct locations (in this case you don’t need git). Make
    sure that the path of the cloned/downloaded repository doesn’t
    contain spaces (MinGW doesn’t like spaces in the executable
  2. Execute build.bat (either via a DosBox from within the cloned
    repository directory, or by double-clicking in Windows Explorer).
    This will download and extract the source code for Lua (5.1, 5.2,
    and 5.3), download a minimal binary MinGW installation from
    Sourceforge, and compile the Lua source code using the downloaded
    C compiler. As long as you keep the downloaded files you don’t
    need to run build.bat again.
  3. If downloading and compilation were successful, you can create the
    installer executable by compiling lr4win.iss using Inno Setup.
    The resulting file will be LR4WinSetup.exe in the top level
    repository directory.

Use Instructions

After installation you should have a link to a “LuaRocks DosBox” in
your start menu and/or on your desktop. This link starts a command
prompt and sets the necessary environment variables for LuaRocks, Lua,
and MinGW to run properly.

From within the “LuaRocks DosBox” the following should work:

  • Running lua51 and luac51.
  • Running lua52 and luac52.
  • Running lua53 and luac53.
  • Running luarocks-5.1 and luarocks-admin-5.1.
  • Running luarocks-5.2 and luarocks-admin-5.2.
  • Running luarocks-5.3 and luarocks-admin-5.3.
  • Running the MinGW compiler tools.
  • Include files in ...\3rdparty\include should be picked up by
    LuaRocks automatically when you build a C module (in addition to
    the appropriate Lua include files, obviously).
  • Libraries in ...\3rdparty\lib should be picked up by LuaRocks
    automatically when you build a C module (in addition to the
    appropriate Lua libraries; loading dynamic libraries from that
    directory should work as well).
  • Scripts installed via LuaRocks should be in PATH automatically.
  • lua51 should also find Lua modules in ...\3rdparty\lua\5.1 and
    C modules in ...\3rdparty\lib\5.1.
  • lua52 should also find Lua modules in ...\3rdparty\lua\5.2 and
    C modules in ...\3rdparty\lib\5.2.
  • lua53 should also find Lua modules in ...\3rdparty\lua\5.3 and
    C modules in ...\3rdparty\lib\5.3.
  • This package includes the yypkg package manager from the
    Win-Builds project to allow you to install extra libraries.
    You may either run yypkg-1.5.0.exe from the command line or start
    the package manager from the start menu link. LuaRocks should pick
    up installed header files and libraries automatically.
  • If you have enabled the experimental NuGet support during
    installation, the nuget command should install and postprocess
    packages from the NuGet gallery, so that LuaRocks can find include
    files and DLLs (using ...\nu\include and ...\nu\lib).

If you don’t want to use the “LuaRocks DosBox”, you can have a look at
...\LuaRocksEnv.bat for the necessary environment changes and apply
them yourself.