Data Mapper
Data mapper for lua
Entity - use for description table in database. For example
local db = require("data-mapper.db"):new{
config = {
driver = "postgres",
host = "localhost",
port = "5432",
user = "test",
password = "testpw",
database = "test",
-- optional parameter for tarantool-db driver only. default value is 1
size = 2
local entity = require('data-mapper.entity')
local testtype = entity:new{
table = 'testtype',
pk = 'sid',
db = db,
fields = {
sid = {
type = 'string'
name = {
type = 'string'
local test = entity:new{
table = 'test',
pk = 'id',
db = db,
fields = {
id = {
type = 'number'
sid_testtype = {
alias ='testtype',
type = 'string',
foreign_key = true,
table = testtype
name = {
type = 'string'
dt = {
type = 'string'
balance = {
type = 'number'
In entity you can define properties:
Entity provide those methods:
For add new record:
test = test:add({id=1,testtype = 'test1', name='test', dt='1970-01-01'})
dt = "1970-01-01",
id = 1,
name = "test",
testtype = "test1"
For update record:
test = test:update({dt='2018-01-01', name='update-test'}, {id=1})
dt = "2018-01-01",
id = 1,
name = "update-test",
testtype = "test1"
For delete record:
test = test:get_by_pk(1)
dt = "2018-01-01",
id = 1,
name = "update-test",
testtype = "test1"
test = test:get_by_field('name', 'update-test')
dt = "2018-01-01",
id = 1,
name = "update-test",
testtype = "test1"
Simple usage:
test = test:get{ id=1, name= "update-test"}
dt = "2018-01-01",
id = 1,
name = "update-test",
testtype = "test1"
Advanced usage:
test = test:get{ name = {value = "update", op = 'ilike' }}
dt = "2018-01-01",
id = 1,
name = "update-test",
testtype = "test1"
Now supported operation:
This operation also supported in update filter
Definition fields in entity constructor generate Field object
Field object support
Field object type can be:
For example add link one to many
uid_role = {
type = "string",
alias = "role",
table = role,
foreign_key = true
fetch = true
Use condition for complex query in where. Now supported and, or
For example:
local sql = user:select():join(orders):where(
{ user, name="test" },
{ orders, status = true }
For example
local sql = user:select():join(orders):where(
{ user, name="test" },
{ user, status = true },
{ user, expires_in = -1 }),
{ orders, status = true }
You can combine _or and _and where relation method. Also field in cond support operators
IN, <=, >=, IS.
For example
cond:_and({user, name = {op='IN', value = {"test", "test2"} } })
To limit the number of rows returned by the query you can use complex query with limit() function
For example:
local sql = token:user():limit(1)
To order rows returned by the query you can use complex query with order() function
avaliable order types ASC (default) | DESC
For example:
local sql = token:user():orderby({field = "name", ordertype = "DESC"})
Or more:
{ user, name="test" },
{ orders, status = true }
{ user, field = "name", ordertype = "ASC" },
{ orders, field = "status", ordertype = "DESC" }