Terraform Module for AWS Route53 Record
Terraform Module for AWS Route53 Record
This is a stable example. It should successfully build out of the box
This examples does is built on Construct Libraries marked “Stable” and does not have any infrastructure prerequisites to build.
This module may be used to create Route53 Record resources in AWS cloud provider……
This module needs Terraform 0.12.19 or newer.
You can download the latest Terraform version from here.
This module deploys aws services details are in respective feature branches.
Below we are able to check the resources that are being created as part of this module call:
To use this module, add the following call to your code:
Example for Route53 Record - Simple routing policy
module "route53_record" {
source = "git::https://github.com/nitinda/terraform-module-aws-route53-record.git?ref=master"
providers = {
aws = aws.services
zone_id = var.zone_id
name = var.name
type = var.type
ttl = var.ttl
records = [var.records]
Example for Route53 Record - Weighted routing policy
module "route53_record" {
source = "git::https://github.com/nitinda/terraform-module-aws-route53-record.git?ref=master"
providers = {
aws = aws.services
zone_id = var.zone_id
name = var.name
type = var.type
ttl = var.ttl
records = [var.records]
weighted_routing_policy = {
weight = 10
Example for Route53 Record - Alias record
module "route53_record" {
source = "git::https://github.com/nitinda/terraform-module-aws-route53-record.git?ref=master"
providers = {
aws = aws.services
zone_id = aws_route53_zone.primary.zone_id
name = "example.com"
type = "A"
alias = {
name = aws_elb.main.dns_name
zone_id = aws_elb.main.zone_id
evaluate_target_health = true
The variables required in order for the module to be successfully called from the deployment repository are the following:
Variable | Description | Type | Argument Status | Default Value |
zone_id | The ID of the hosted zone to contain this record | string | Required | |
name | The name of the record | string | Required | |
type | The record type. Valid values are A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, NS, PTR, SOA, SPF, SRV and TXT | string | Required | |
ttl | The TTL of the record | number | Required | |
records | A string list of records | string | Required | |
set_identifier | Unique identifier to differentiate records with routing policies from one another. Required if using failover, geolocation, latency, or weighted._ | string | Optional | null |
health_check_id | The health check the record should be associated with | string | Optional | null |
alias | An alias block. Conflicts with ttl & records | string | Optional | {} |
failover_routing_policy | A block indicating the routing behavior | any | Optional | {} |
geolocation_routing_policy | A block indicating the routing behavior | any | Optional | {} |
latency_routing_policy | A block indicating the routing behavior | any | Optional | {} |
weighted_routing_policy | A block indicating the routing behavior | any | Optional | {} |
multivalue_answer_routing_policy | Set to true to indicate a multivalue answer routing policy. Conflicts with any other routing policy | boolean | Optional | false |
allow_overwrite | This does not affect the ability to update the record in Terraform and does not prevent other resources within Terraform or manual Route 53 changes outside Terraform from overwriting this record. false by default. This configuration is not recommended for most environments. | boolean | Optional | false |
This module has the following outputs:
In order for the variables to be accessed on module level please use the syntax below:
The output variable is able to be accessed through terraform state file using the syntax below:
Module maintained by Module maintained by the - Nitin Das