Minetest mail -- server part
This project is now being replaced by the mtui
project here: https://github.com/minetest-go/mtui
It only serves as a public archive at this point
This is the webmail component for the minetest mail mod
The ingame mod lives here: https://github.com/minetest-mail/mail_mod
Ingame mail
The webmail component runs as webservice and provides the api for the minetest server
and the website for the webmail component
To install and run the webmail server:
sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -e WEBMAILKEY=myserverkey minetestmail/mail
To set up your minetest installation to communicate with the webmail server, edit your “minetest.conf”:
# enable curl/http on that mod
secure.http_mods = mail
# the url to the webmail server
webmail.url =
# the secret key previously generated (same as in "webmail/start.sh")
webmail.key = myserverkey
# optionally, if you have xban2 and don't want banned users to login:
webmail.disallow_banned_players = true
The current roadmap:
Let me know if there are any (there are for sure:)
See the “LICENSE” file