An addon to Meteor Client that adds modules and commands that were too useless to be added to Meteor directly.
An addon to Meteor Client that has features that won’t be added to Meteor because they were either rejected or are ports from other clients.
folder where you have installed Meteor.Note: It is recommended to use the latest dev build of meteor while using rejects
(Taken from an unmerged PR)disableToasts
Random characters
(Ported from BleachHack)Duplicate names
Fov and invisible filter
Random Teleport, Hit Chance, Random Delay
(Removed from Meteor in 8722e)Yggdrasil Login
(Removed from meteor in 9aebf).ghost
(Ported from AntiGhost).save-skin
(Taken from an unmerged PR).setblock
(Removed from meteor in dd5f8).set-velocity
(Ported from BleachHack).kick
(Ported from LiquidBounce).server
(Ported from Cornos).locate
Http Allowed
- Modify what HTTP requests can be made with Meteor’s HTTP APIHttp User Agent
- Modify the HTTP header of Meteor’s HTTP APIHidden Modules
- Hide modules from module gui. requires restart when unhidingLoad System Fonts
- Disabling this for faster launch. You can put font into meteor-client/fonts folder. requires restart to take effectDuplicate Module Names
- Allow duplicate module names. Enable it when you have one module overriding another.