A pvp minigame!
A fun minigame of PVP but at insane speeds!
How it works:\
When players run, they start to accelerate until they reach a specific limit*.
They can gain speedpoints by running and killing other players(killing gives more)
which can be used to purchase kits
*the limit can be modified by the kit that is chosen
Default - The default kit\
Tank - Stronger armor but lower speed and acceleration\
Missile - No armor but higher max speed which can be reached immediately(no acceleration)!\
Archer - Decent armor, a bow and a knockback stick but no sword\
Jumper - Jump like a rabbit!\
Snowman - Throw snowballs and iceballs which deal damage and cause knockback\
Enderman - Teleport using ender pearls\
Alchemist - Use potions to deceive your opponents\
Batman - Surprise your opponents with a grappling hook!\
Pyromancer - Shoot fireballs and burn opponents who come too close to you\
Bomber - Create explosions with TNT!\
Zeus - Summon lightning to strike opponents within a radius\
/kit - open the kit gui\
/kit grant/revoke player kit\
/lightspeed speedpoints get/set player points\
/lightspeed spawns list - Display spawnpoints for current world\
/lightspeed spawns add - Add the current location to spawnpoints\
/lightspeed spawns remove - Remove spawnpoint at current location\
/lightspeed reload - Reload config