simple burstcoin miner for linux(even arm)
simple burstcoin miner for linux(even arm)
Note that CPU usage of the mining threads as well as speed (MiB/s) do not represent the correct value.
After cloning this repo change to it’s folder:
cd minerpp
Then create a new folder named \”bin\”:
mkdir bin
Change to the newly created folder:
cd bin
Before we can compile the source we need to generate our Makefile.
For that we use CMake. If you don’t have it, install it first (e.g. sudo apt-get install cmake
Then execute the CMake command:
cmake ..
Since we need std::filesystem
support, gcc/g++ 5 is the minimum required compiler version for this to work.
If you don’t have it (check with gcc --version
) you will need to install a newer version before using CMake.
For SBC’s (Single Board Computer) use this link
to get gcc/g++ 7.2.0. It will work on all common distros of linux for SBC’s (was tested on Odroid HC1 with
DietPi and Raspberry Pi 3+ with Raspbian Wheezy). On newer distro versions (e.g. Stretch) just install
gcc-5 from your prefered package manager (e.g. sudo apt-get install gcc-5
On MacOS the standard Clang
compiler will not work! Here you will also need to install gcc manually.
For that use the following command:
brew install gcc@7
If you successfully installed a newer compiler version you can run CMake with the following options:
cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<path/to/gcc> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<path/to/g++> ..
Replace <path/to/gcc>
with the path to your gcc installation (e.g. SBC: /usr/local/gcc-7.2.0/bin/gcc-7.2.0
, MacOS /usr/local/bin/gcc-7
and <path/to/g++>
with the path to your g++ installation (e.g. SBC: /usr/local/gcc-7.2.0/bin/g++-7.2.0
, MacOS: /usr/local/bin/g++-7
To compile the source code simply run make:
make -j<number of threads>
Replace <number of threads>
with the number of threads you want to use to compile to speedup the process.
Now you can just run the miner with the following command:
Note you can use the same config file as used with blago’s miner-burst, but it needs to be located in the same folder as the executable and named config.json