项目作者: MatijaLikar

项目描述 :
Existing education kits Lego Mindstorms RCX contain all the components, sensors and motors and the outdated "brick" RCX. The software does not work on modern operating systems anymore. On the market , there is "already" a new generation kit, called Lego Mindstorms EV3 and intermediate generation kit NXT, whose software is different, so we can not learn to program on all kits the same. Our goal is to develop a "new brain" for Lego Mindstorms RCX kit. The new "smart brick" will have the same dimensions and connections as the existing RCX, so that we can use same instroctuins and the same parts as we alread have. The housing will be modeled with the program for 3D-modeling, called SketchUp © 2017 and printed by a 3D printer. We will choose an appropriate microcontroller (and possiblyexpansion cards for it) for the "birck" and best open source programming enviroment, which will allow visual programming and programming in advanced programming languages ​​that will be appropriate to the children with lower or none programming skills. With the new "brick" and the old motor and sensor Mindstorms kits, the students of all ages will be able to learn robotics. Our goal is, that the children of primary-schools will be able to use it, even though they did not confront programming. The circuit
项目地址: git://github.com/MatijaLikar/Legorino.git
创建时间: 2017-01-31T16:44:55Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0
