Solve games with AI Algorithms
NOTE: This is still a work in progress and the API might change significantly before a stable release. Use at your own risk.
Welcome to gameai! This package contains a series of well-defined abstractions that are common in AI, such as a games, agents, and trainers which optimize the behavior of agents. As long as a class inherits from the base implemetation of a primitive (e.g. Agent
) and implements the required methods, it can be used in place of the standard implementations given. To get started:
from import TicTacToe
from gameai.agents import RandomAgent, MCTSAgent
from gameai.core import Arena, Player
# Create our game
game = TicTacToe()
# Inititalize our agents
mcts_agent = MCTSAgent()
random_agent = RandomAgent()
# We train the mcts agent
mcts_agent.train(game, verbose=True, num_iters=10000, num_episodes=100)
player0 = Player(0, mcts_agent)
player1 = Player(1, random_agent)
# Pit the agents against eachother in the arena. Note that the player
# ids passed in need to match the index of the player in the array
arena = Arena(game, [player0, player1])
Because this is still in alpha and under active development, it has not been released to PyPi. You can install via TestPyPi using the following command:
pip install --index-url gameai
Clone the repository and install the neccessary dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
. You will also need to setup a virtual environment and run pip install -e .
in the root of the project, which will install the package locally.
Testing is done with pytest
. Run the command make test
to run all tests.
Build the project with python3 sdist bdist_wheel
Feel free to open an issue / submit a PR!