项目作者: serafinazhang

项目描述 :
Public opinion analysis on NYT's editors, using aspect-based and text classification
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/serafinazhang/Public-Opinion-Analysis.git
创建时间: 2021-05-16T17:52:44Z



Public Opinion Analysis on Politics

Prediction on Selection by NYT’s Editors

Junqian Zhang


The Public comment the articles of New York Times to present their opinions, but not all the comments will be selected by the editors. This project analyzes the public comments on Politics to get clues to what New York Times considers worth promoting. It extracts the explicit aspects of the comments and detect the sentiment orientation on different aspects to predict the political opinions of editors by classifying whether a comment will get picked by editors.

Key Words:

Opinion anlysis, Aspect extraction, Sentiment orientation, Text classification
