项目作者: twitu

项目描述 :
Implementing SDN based VANET simulated on Mininet-Wifi nodes - Socket programming to implement functionality as an application
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/twitu/sdn-vanet.git
创建时间: 2018-11-11T05:18:02Z




This project tries to extend the Mininet-wifi to simulate SDN based VANET networks.

Instructions for usage

  1. Download Mininet-wifi image and run on Virtual Box
  2. paste or git clone this repository in the virtual machine in ~/mininet-wifi/examples/ directory
  3. cd into folder
  4. run sudo python stationary-test.py
  5. use xterm sta<id> in Mininet-wifi CLI where to id is node id from 1, to connect to nodes
  6. ./run.sh <id> debug to execute C application in debug mode in the node
  7. quit in Mininet-wifi CLI to exit