项目作者: guptaharshnavin

项目描述 :
Predict whether a particular Telecom Customer will Churn or Not ?
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/guptaharshnavin/Telecom-Customer-Churn-Analysis-And-Prediction.git
创建时间: 2020-05-28T17:31:23Z

开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Telecom :iphone: Customer Churn Analysis And Prediction :bar_chart:

forthebadge made-with-python

What Is Meant By Customer Churn ?

Customer Churn is defined as the rate at which customers stop doing business with an entity. It is most commonly expressed as the percentage of service subscribers who discontinue their subscriptions within a given time period.

Aim Of The Project

Customer Churn is a major concern for all types of industries/businesses. This leads to business losing revenue, and decrease in profits.

The main aim of the project is to, predict whether a customer in a Telecom Company is Likely To Churn Or Not. This project aims to develop Machine Learning Models, that can be used by the company to predict the likelihood of a customer churn. This project makes use of a dataset, that contains various parameters collected about various customers of a telecom company, and also contains a Target Variable, which is whether the particular customer has churned or not.

Link To Dataset

Project Implementation

The project is implemented using Python3.

The following frameworks are used in the Implementation Of The Project.

:one: Pandas

:two: Seaborn

:three: Scikit-Learn