项目作者: liondy

项目描述 :
A Mobile App for tracking a live event of this pandemic coronavirus
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/liondy/Covid19TrackerMobile.git
创建时间: 2020-04-15T16:07:01Z




An Android Application for tracking a live event of this pandemic coronavirus

Download and Installation Guides

  1. Navigate to this link: https://github.com/liondy/covid19trackermobile/releases via your mobile browser
  2. Go to assets and click the app-release.apk file
  3. Your browser will automatically download the file
  4. Once the download finish, click the file and your browser will open the file
  5. Click on Install and it will install it to your device.
  6. Once the installation finishes, you can Open it.
  7. The app name is Covid19TrackerMobile

    P.s: Notice that during installation, sometimes Google Play Protect will blocked the installation process. This is normal because my application isn’t in Google Play Store

    I ran this project all by myself and there’s no special institution or goverment contract, so my app got suspended.

App Features

Covid 19 Tracker

Tracking real-time events of coronavirus from all over the world

This app has some features like:

  • Fetch top 5 most country cases, display in pie-chart
  • Fetch Countries all around the world in real-time, display in bar-chart
  • Fetch Province in Indonesia in real-time, display in bar-chart
  • Some article about Coronavirus


API that is used to display data:

  1. All countries: https://coronavirus-19-api.herokuapp.com/
  2. All province in Indonesia: https://kawalcorona.com/api/
  3. Last Update: https://covid19.mathdro.id/api
  4. Article: https://www.halodoc.com/kesehatan/coronavirus

Credits to:

  1. https://github.com/javieraviles/covidAPI
  2. Ethical Hacker Indonesia
  3. https://github.com/mathdroid/covid-19-api
  4. Halodoc