项目作者: liondy
项目描述 :
A Mobile App for tracking a live event of this pandemic coronavirus
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/liondy/Covid19TrackerMobile.git
An Android Application for tracking a live event of this pandemic coronavirus
Download and Installation Guides
- Navigate to this link: https://github.com/liondy/covid19trackermobile/releases via your mobile browser
- Go to
and click the app-release.apk
- Your browser will automatically download the file
- Once the download finish, click the file and your browser will open the file
- Click on
and it will install it to your device.
- Once the installation finishes, you can
- The app name is
P.s: Notice that during installation
, sometimes Google Play Protect
will blocked
the installation process. This is normal because my application isn’t in Google Play Store
I ran this project all by myself and there’s no special institution or goverment contract, so my app got suspended.
App Features
Covid 19 Tracker
Tracking real-time events of coronavirus from all over the world
This app has some features like:
- Fetch top 5 most country cases, display in pie-chart
- Fetch Countries all around the world in real-time, display in bar-chart
- Fetch Province in Indonesia in real-time, display in bar-chart
- Some article about Coronavirus
API that is used to display data:
- All countries: https://coronavirus-19-api.herokuapp.com/
- All province in Indonesia: https://kawalcorona.com/api/
- Last Update: https://covid19.mathdro.id/api
- Article: https://www.halodoc.com/kesehatan/coronavirus
Credits to:
- https://github.com/javieraviles/covidAPI
- Ethical Hacker Indonesia
- https://github.com/mathdroid/covid-19-api
- Halodoc