项目作者: juanfresia

项目描述 :
Forge your own luck. Or at least build your own fortunes.
高级语言: Makefile
项目地址: git://github.com/juanfresia/fortune-forge.git
创建时间: 2019-10-31T00:50:24Z




fortune-forge is a tool that helps you make your own cookies for unix fortune
package. It compiles your tasty quotes and packages them in a handy .deb for you
to install and distribute everywhere!

Where do I begin?

First of all, you will need a couple of things:

  • docker: this tools uses a docker container to bake the cookies, so you
    will need a machine with a working docker installation.
  • make: the commands you will use are wrapped around in a Makefile.
  • fortune: it is not a requirement to build the fortunes, but it is
    needed to install them. The .deb package will be built with fortune and
    fortune-mod as a dependency (but make install wont install those for you).

Adding fortunes

The raw quotes and fortunes go into the quotes directory. Every file in that
directory will be compiled as a separate fortune cookie database file,
accessible via the fortuen <db> command.

Each of the files may contain any number of fortune strings, separated by lines
containing only one % character.

This is an example of a cookie file (named example):

  1. %
  2. This is the first cookie.
  3. %
  4. This is the second cookie.
  5. And is also a multi-line cookie.
  6. %

After the build you can access the fortunes in there simply by calling fortune example.

Generating the .deb

To package your cookies into a .deb simply run make deb. It will spin a
docker container, bake your cookies and leave them under bin directory.

Changing the package data

The name of the generated .deb file can be changed without altering the package
name. The package metadata (maintainer, description and name) can be found under
build/DEBIAN/control file, and can be changed before building the .deb to
change the package metadata.