项目作者: modularityhq

项目描述 :
Modularity Analytics
项目地址: git://github.com/modularityhq/analytics.git
创建时间: 2018-08-18T21:57:51Z

开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Modularity Smart Home Analytics


What it does

It monitors in real time different aspects of smart living solutions (data from sensors and connected devices) in order to understand human behaviour and to automate repetitive and time consuming tasks.

How we built it

Using Qlik Sense Desktop Edition and connecting and generating sample data and using statistical data that are existing on the internet.

It also connects live data from a smart metering solution to a DB2 database from where it takes data.

Challenges we ran into

InnoEnergy - How to empower Public Authorities to support innovation ecosystem in order to promote entrepreneurship.

Accomplishments that we’re proud of

We’ve connected the smart metering solution to the Node-RUN service from IBM and we are proud that we’ve developed a working prototype in order to be soon ready to get real data to analyse human behaviour.

What we learned

By analysing data in real time we are able to learn and understand what is important for people and also how it can be optimised the energy consume.

What’s next for Smart Living Analytics

Changing the structure of the software architecture by adding NoSQL support (MongoDB) in order to get all data from a single source (not hybrid sources as we do right now).

Also making available to web.

Built With


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#Local authorities

  • we try to convince local authorities to use latest technologies in order to facilitate the connection with smart buildings
  • convince authorities to give access to open data (this is a right not a service)

Support or Contact
