项目作者: jinudaniel

项目描述 :
Traffic Sign classifier using CNN and TensorFlow
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/jinudaniel/traffic-sign-classifier.git
创建时间: 2018-04-01T14:32:54Z



Traffic Sign classifier using CNN and TensorFlow

The goal of this project was to implement a Convolutional Neural Network to detect German Traffic Sign using TensorFlow. The entire model
was trained a ubuntu instance on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with a NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU.

The data set used is the German Traffic Sign data set that can be dowloaded from here.
German Trafffic Sign Dataset is a set of 51,839 labeled images of 43 different German traffic signs.
It comes in two separate sets.
A set of 39,209 images for training and another set of 12,630 in order to test the accuracy of our trained network.
A pickled version of the dataset can be downloaded from here.

The CNN architecture used was LeNet architecture with 2 CONV layers and 3 fully connected layers. Activation function was ReLU.
Training was done for 30 epochs with a batch size of 128 using Adam Optimizer.
I was able to obtain a validation accuracy of 96.4% and test accuracy of 91.8%