项目作者: mohitsharma294

项目描述 :
Project based on predicting churn behavior of customers of a telecom company.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/mohitsharma294/churn_prediction.git
创建时间: 2018-07-24T16:42:27Z



Project Description

This project is based on predicting churning behaviour of customer of a telecom company.
we need to predict either customer will churn out or not. This is classification problem.


In Python, Make sure in your enviornment below packages are installed.

numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn, imblearn

In R, make sure below packages are installed:

ggplot2, corrgram, corrplot, randomForest, caret, class, e1071, mlr, grid, DMwR, irace, usdm

Files Detail

  • Train_data.csv and Test_data.csv containing dataset first will be used in builiding model second will be used in predicting and testing our model
  • churn_prediction.py contain implemenation in Python
  • churn_prediction.R contain implementation in R
  • project_report_explained.pdf contain Process and anlysis done during this project


  • SMOTE upsampling Used for Target imbalance case
  • K-fold CV used for comaparing models
  • Hyperparameter tuning used for improving preformance of models

Note: make sure to change path as per file location