项目作者: erhanbas

项目描述 :
Looks for topological pattern across axonal reconstructions without using any meta data, i.e. Allen labels, just based on data driven features.
高级语言: Matlab
项目地址: git://github.com/erhanbas/neuron-manuscript.git
创建时间: 2018-01-25T20:36:41Z




Looks for topological pattern across axonal reconstructions without using any meta data, i.e. Allen labels, just based on data driven features.

will add more

We used 500 recons which was/is available at our website and that github repo has the code for that. Motivation was to see if we can get any pattern without using any meta data, just based on key features. In this case, features are generated from tip/junction locations (also Tiago generated nblast/Lmeasure for same purpose). For validation, we used Allen colors to see if they correlate.