👆⛔ A drop-in replacement for @semantic-release/commit-analyzer that fails when no release is made
that fails when no release is madeIf you need your pipelines to fail if no release will be created with semantic-release, drop this plugin into your config.
npm install --save-dev commit-analyzer-fail-on-no-release
In your semantic-release configuration file, replace the default commit analyzer with commit-analyzer-fail-on-no-release
. All configuration options pass through to the default plugin.
export default {
plugins: [
- "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer",
+ "commit-analyzer-fail-on-no-release",
"preset": "angular",
"releaseRules": [
{"type": "docs", "scope": "README", "release": "patch"},
{"type": "refactor", "release": "patch"},
{"type": "style", "release": "patch"},
"parserOpts": {
Make a either a no commit, a typed commit that will release, or one that won’t and then see if the error was thrown if
expected while running a dummy dry-run release.
npm link
npm link commit-analyzer-fail-on-no-release
npm run test-release
Copyright Evelyn Hathaway, MIT License