项目作者: Sinar
项目描述 :
OpenDataDay 2019 MY -- https://techups19e03.peatix.com -- #ODD19
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/Sinar/odd2019.git
OpenDataDay 2019 MY — https://techups19e03.peatix.com
gocsv - https://github.com/DataFoxCo/gocsv
- Setup: Just unzip from gocsv folder
DataPackage Creator - https://create.frictionlessdata.io/
- Just go to the page and fill in the details; downloading the generated datapackage into the suggested form
Instructions for Participants of ODD2019
DataCurator - https://github.com/ODIQueensland/data-curator
- Setup: Download from Release tab and install
Datashare - https://datashare.icij.org/
- Advanced tool usinng Docker to have a personal document management system, including English language NLP, and Entity extractions
Delimiter -
- Just go to the site (assumingn have Github account); very basic CSV data editor, no need to learn about git, pull-requests etc.