项目作者: JLDevOps

项目描述 :
Code, templating and the Javascript functionality analysis of Feross Aboukhadijeh's The Annoying Site.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/JLDevOps/AnnoyingSite-Functionality.git
创建时间: 2018-01-08T03:47:12Z




Code, templating and the Javascript functionality analysis of Feross Aboukhadijeh’s The Annoying Site.

Link below redirects to The Annoying Site, but be careful when entering the site. The site currently utilizes malicious javascript functions.

Click at your own risk: Click Here

Example Functionality:

  • Spawn smaller windows to bounce around the user’s screen
  • Vibrate a user’s mobile device
  • Download files onto a user’s device
  • Play videos on smaller windows
  • etc. (more “annoying” functions)


This project was inspired by Feross’s talk on “The Power of the Web Platform.”
You can also view the Feross Aboukhadijeh’s repository here.

Templating & Functionality

Templates have been created depending on the use of the Javascript functions that were used on the Annoying Site

A basic template has been created as an entry point to fill in with more Javascript functions, however several templates have been created with specific functionality (found in the Functionality Scripts folder).

More functionality scripts and Javascripts functions will be added to make more “annoying” features.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


A list of packages and software needed to be installed before testing:

  1. Node
  2. NPM

Setting Up the Environment

After cloning or downloading the project on your own local machine:

Go into the AnnoyingSite-Directory.

  1. cd AnnoyingSite-Directory

Then install the necessary npm packages via this command:

  1. npm install

(Make sure there is a package.json file in the current directory)
The npm command will install the ecstatic package.


Run the project, only after following the setup guide.


Go into the AnnoyingSite-Directory.

  1. cd AnnoyingSite-Directory

Then install the necessary npm packages via this command:

  1. npm start

The start command will provide a localhost IP where you can go to, to test out the sites Javascript functions.

Running Different Functionality Scripts

If you want to try out different scripts instead of the main one, you will need to switch out the index.js file (found in the static directory) with another functionality Javascript file.


Usage of the Mobility Functionality File (mobile-functionalities.js):

Assuming that the current directory is in the main project directory.

Remove the index.js file form the Annoying-Site-Directory:

  1. rm /Annoying-Site-Directory/index.js

Copy over the mobile-functionalities.js to the Annoying-Site-Directory and rename it to index.js:

  1. cp /Functionality\ \Scripts/mobile-functionalities.js /Annoying-Site-Directory/static/index.js

Then go into the AnnoyingSite-Directory and run

  1. npm start


Thanks to Feross Aboukhadijeh for inspiring this project. His additional work can be found here: feross