项目作者: mantisbt-plugins

项目描述 :
Google Oauth 2.0 function for mantisBT.
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/mantisbt-plugins/GoogleOauth.git
创建时间: 2015-07-31T13:03:04Z




  1. Add Google oauth 2.0 support to login to MantisBT.
  2. User must have an existing MantisBT account.
  3. Signup / account creation scenario is not supported.

How to install

  1. Copy GoogleOauth folder into plugins folder.
  2. Open Mantis with browser.
  3. Log in as administrator.
  4. Go to Manage -> Manage Plugins.
  5. Find GoogleOauth in the list.
  6. Click Install.

How to use

  1. Go to Google Developers Console and create the new project.
  2. Copy client id and secret key to google oauth setting page.
  3. Click the save button.

Supported Versions

  • MantisBT 1.2.x - supported
  • MantisBT 1.3.x - not supported
  • MantisBT 2.6 and higher - supported