Location Data Type plugin for Icinga Director
This module allows you to easily add and change coordinates with the Icinga Director on openstreetmap using leaflet.js.
Icinga Web 2 and this Icinga Web 2 module are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, you will find a copy of this license in the LICENSE file included in the source package.
This module uses Leaflet:
Join the Icinga community channels for questions.
Extract this module to your Icinga Web 2 modules directory as mapDatatype
Git clone:
cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
git clone https://github.com/nbuchwitz/icingaweb2-module-mapDatatype.git mapDatatype
Tarball download (latest release):
cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
wget https://github.com/nbuchwitz/icingaweb2-module-mapDatatype/archive/v0.1.0.zip
unzip v0.1.0.zip
mv icingaweb2-module-mapDatatype-0.1.0 mapDatatype
Enable the module in the Icinga Web 2 frontend in Configuration -> Modules -> mapDatatype -> enable
You can also enable the module by using the icingacli
icingacli module enable mapDatatype
Create a new Data Field, enter a Field name
and select Location (MapDatatype)
in the Data type
There are many ways to contribute to the Icinga Web module for Maps —
whether it be sending patches, testing, reporting bugs, or reviewing and
updating the documentation. Every contribution is appreciated!
Please continue reading in the contributing chapter.