This bundle allows you to use font awesome icons as themes extension in map.apps.
This bundle allows you to use Font Awesome Free icons as themes extension in map.apps. All available icons can be seen in the font awesome gallery.
After installing the bundle to your map.apps installation and adding it to your app you can use the new icons by adding e.g. “iconClass”:”fa-binoculars” to a tool definition inside the app.json. Or, if you have your own custom theme, you can replace all of the map.apps default icons.
Font Awesome provides an even larger variation of icons with the 5.0.0 release. Please have a look at the Font Awesome Documentation for detailed information.
In case you have used a previous version of the bundle dn_fontawesome it is needed to add a prefix to your icon class otherwise the icons will not appear.
Example: “iconClass”: “fa-truck” will become “iconClass”: “fas fa-truck”. Where “fas” stand for “fontawesome-solid”.
With 5.0.0 the following variations are available: