项目作者: Tscholten1

项目描述 :
Kentucky housing by county
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/Tscholten1/Kentucky-Housing-by-County.git
创建时间: 2017-12-15T20:46:01Z



Kentucky Housing by County

The focus of this project is to provide user intaction elements to explore the data within the spatial context of Kentucky counties.This map was built using custom Javascript code drawing upon the Leaflet Javascript Library as well as CSS and HTML styling rules.

Map features include:

Several interactive elements that give the user the ability to select various data attributes and have the map dynamically update. User interaction is one of the most important differences between traditional static maps and web-based maps. The ability to change the map not only offers new possibilities for understanding the information. It also makes engaging with a map more interesting and emotionally rewarding: it’s fun!
Display housing characteristics (e.g. owned, owned with mortgage, rented) by county.
Build a user interface element allowing the user to choose a new data attribute to dynamically update the map and legend.
Build an information panel, available when interacting with county features, which will display more information than space allows within the popups or tooltips.
The popup/tooltip allows the user an interactive experience to retrieve specific values from individual counties
Provide the user the ability to switch between data sets and have the map dynamically update to reflect these changes

Software used: