项目作者: jvcasillas

项目描述 :
Workshop on Git and GitHub for SeNSS
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/jvcasillas/github_workshop.git
创建时间: 2021-05-22T02:23:23Z



Version control: A practical introduction to Git and GitHub

In this workshop we will learn to use Git and GitHub for version
control. Participants will develop an understanding for how version
control works on a coding/development platform and learn how to take
advantage of features like issues and project boards to complement
project centered workflows that facilitate collaboration and open
science practices. No prior experience is needed. All resources will be
freely available at https://github.com/jvcasillas/github_workshop

Getting ready for the workshop

Please do the following before the workshop

  1. Install/Update R and RStudio to newest version available to you.
  2. Create a GitHub account at https://github.com
    • It’s free
    • Use an academic email if you have one (more perks)
    • Give consideration to your username
      • avoid spaces, uncommon characters
      • shorter is better than longer
      • usually your real name (or related to it)
  3. Download GitHub Desktop
  4. Install Git
    • It is possible (likely) you already have it
    • There are thorough instructions
      here explaining
      how to check and what to do if you don’t have it already

Note: If you have issues getting setup before the workshop, feel
free to email me at joseph.casillas@rutgers.edu and I’ll do my best to
help get things running for you.