项目作者: mtumilowicz

项目描述 :
Vavr Option workshop.
高级语言: Groovy
项目地址: git://github.com/mtumilowicz/java11-vavr093-option-workshop.git
创建时间: 2019-03-02T22:23:50Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Build Status
License: GPL v3


project description

theory in a nutshell

  • similar to Optional, but with bigger, more flexible API
  • interface Option<T> extends Value<T>, Serializable
    • interface Value<T> extends Iterable<T>
  • Option is isomorphic to singleton list (either has element or not, so it could be treated as collection)
  • two implementations:
    • final class Some<T>
    • final class None<T>
  • None instance is a singleton
  • returning null inside map does not cause Option switch to None (contrary to Optional)
    1. expect:
    2. Option.some(2).map(alwaysNull).defined
    3. Optional.of(2).map(alwaysNull).empty
  • it is possible to have Some(null), so NPE is possible even on defined Option
  • excellent for modelling exists / not exists (Spring Data - findById)
    • not every “exceptional” behaviour could be modelled as exists / not exists

conclusions in a nutshell

  • we omit methods that Optional has
  • easy conversion Option<T> <-> Optional<T>
    • Option.ofOptional
    • option.toJavaOptional()
  • handy conversion List<Option<T>> -> Option<List<T>>
    • Option.sequence(list)
    • if any of the Options are None - returns None
  • conditional supplier
    • static Option<T> when(boolean condition, Supplier<? extends T> supplier)
  • mapping with the partial function
    • Option<R> collect(PartialFunction<? super T, ? extends R> partialFunction)
    • if function is not defined for the value - returns None
  • side effects on None
    • Option<T> onEmpty(Runnable action)
  • side effects on Some
    • Option<T> peek(Consumer<? super T> action)
  • lazy alternative (in Optional since 11)
    • Option<T> orElse(Supplier<? extends Option<? extends T>> supplier)
  • transform function could be nearly always replaced with more expressive and natural map(...).orElse(...)
    1. given:
    2. Function<Option<Integer>, String> transformer = { it.isEmpty() ? '' : it.get().toString() }
    3. expect:
    4. Option.of(5).transform(transformer) == '5'
    same as
    1. given:
    2. Function<Option<Integer>, String> transformer = { it.isEmpty() ? '' : it.get().toString() }
    3. expect:
    4. transformerFive = Option.of(5)
    5. .map { it.toString() }
    6. .orElse('') == '5'
  • conversion Option<T> <-> List<T>
    • option.toList()
    • list.toOption()
  • could be treated as collection
    • boolean contains(T element)
    • boolean exists(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
    • boolean forAll(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
  • well written equals
    • Some
      1. return (obj == this) || (obj instanceof Some && Objects.equals(value, ((Some<?>) obj).value));
    • None
      1. return o == this
  • map does not breaks monadic laws

    1. given:
    2. Function<Integer, Integer> alwaysNull = { null }
    3. Function<Integer, String> safeToString = { nonNull(it) ? String.valueOf(it) : 'null' }
    4. Function<Integer, String> composition = alwaysNull.andThen(safeToString)
    5. expect:
    6. Optional.of(1).map(composition) != Optional.of(1).map(alwaysNull).map(safeToString)
    7. Optional.of(1).stream().map(composition).findAny() == Optional.of(1).stream()
    8. .map(alwaysNull)
    9. .map(safeToString)
    10. .findAny()
    11. Option.of(1).map(composition) == Option.of(1).map(alwaysNull).map(safeToString)