项目作者: shikibu-z

项目描述 :
The final project of CIS-563 Physics Based Animation. Implemented a material point method simulation of an elastic cube falling into the ground.
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/shikibu-z/cis563-project3.git
创建时间: 2020-12-08T17:47:45Z



CIS 563 Project 3 - Material Point Method

This project requries specific a C++ environment from CISPBA

  1. sudo apt install libsuitesparse-dev libxcursor-dev libxinerama-dev libopenblas-dev
  2. sudo apt install make cmake g++ libeigen3-dev gfortran libmetis-dev libopenvdb-dev
  3. sudo apt install libboost-all-dev libilmbase-dev libopenexr-dev libtbb2 libtbb-dev
  4. sudo apt install libz-dev clang-format-6.0 xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev

Make sure to check the above commands for required software packages.

  1. cis-563-project3
  2. ├── cis563-project3.patch
  3. ├── CMake
  4. ├── DownloadProject.cmake
  5. ├── DownloadProject.CMakeLists.cmake.in
  6. ├── DownloadProject.LICENSE
  7. ├── FindCapnProto.cmake
  8. ├── FindEigen3.cmake
  9. ├── FindHalf.cmake
  10. ├── FindMetis.cmake
  11. ├── FindOpenVDB.cmake
  12. ├── FindTBB.cmake
  13. ├── FindZeroMQ.cmake
  14. ├── FindZeroMQPP.cmake
  15. └── UseLATEX.cmake
  16. ├── CMakeLists.txt
  17. ├── Deps
  18. ├── CMakeLists.txt
  19. └── partio.patch
  20. ├── Makefile
  21. ├── Projects
  22. ├── CMakeLists.txt
  23. └── material_point
  24. ├── CMakeLists.txt
  25. ├── data
  26. └── cube.obj
  27. ├── main.cpp
  28. ├── material_point.h
  29. ├── mesh_query0.1
  30. ├── bounding_box.h
  31. ├── bounding_box_tree.cpp
  32. ├── bounding_box_tree.h
  33. ├── Makefile
  34. ├── mesh_query.cpp
  35. ├── mesh_query.h
  36. ├── predicates.cpp
  37. ├── predicates.h
  38. ├── README
  39. ├── util.h
  40. └── vec.h
  41. └── SimulationDriver.h
  42. ├── README.md
  43. ├── report.pdf
  44. └── Scripts
  45. ├── Makefile.in
  46. └── valgrind.supp
  • Please make sure you are at C++ 11 or above.
  • This project requries mainly Eigen and Partio library.
  • Detailed code layout and explainations could be found at report.pdf.
  • Type make at the top level directory will compile.
  • Type ./material_point at /Projects/material_point/ will run the simulation, .bgeo outputs could be found at Projects/material_point/output/.
  • Based on different operating systems and setups, some source files might needed to be changed. Please refer to the cis563-project3.patch file for more information. Patching this file will enable correct compilation from macOS 10.15.7 to Ubuntu 20.04. If you are already setup correctly following the above instruction on a Linux machine, you don’t need to worry about this file. This directory is already patched for you.