Regula Face SDK web API js client for the browser and node.js based on axios
Face recognition as easy as reading two bytes.
If you have any problems with or questions about this client, please contact us
through a GitHub issue.
You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; We are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can. See dev guide.
npm install @regulaforensics/facesdk-webclient
Performing request:
const face1 = fs.readFileSync('face1.jpg').buffer;
const face2 = fs.readFileSync('face2.jpg').buffer;
const sdk = new FaceSdk({ basePath: 'http://localhost:41101' });
const response = await sdk.matchingApi.match({
images: [
{ type: ImageSource.LIVE, data: face1, index: 1 },
{ type: ImageSource.DOCUMENT_RFID, data: face2, index: 2 }
Parsing results:
for (const result of response.results) {
console.log(`pair(${result.firstIndex},${result.secondIndex}) similarity: ${result.similarity}`)
You can find more detailed guide and run this sample in example folder.
Language level
Module system
. (Reference)