PostCSS plugin to transform clamp() to combination of min/max
PostCSS plugin to transform clamp()
to combination of min/max
This plugin transform this css:
.foo {
width: clamp(10px, 4em, 80px);
into this:
.foo {
width: max(10px, min(4em, 80px));
Or with enabled options precalculate
.foo {
width: clamp(10em, 4px, 10px);
/* becomes */
.foo {
width: max(10em, 14px);
$ npm install postcss postcss-clamp --save-dev
$ yarn add --dev postcss postcss-clamp
Use PostCSS Clamp as a PostCSS plugin:
const postcss = require('postcss');
const postcssClamp = require('postcss-clamp');
postcssClamp(/* pluginOptions */)
]).process(YOUR_CSS /*, processOptions */);
PostCSS Clamp runs in all Node environments, with special instructions for:
Node | PostCSS CLI | Webpack | Create React App | Gulp | Grunt |
See PostCSS docs for examples for your environment.
The precalculate
option determines whether values with the same unit
should be precalculated. By default, these are not precalculation.
precalculate: true
The second and third value has the same unit (px
.foo {
width: clamp(10em, 4px, 10px);
/* becomes */
.foo {
width: max(10em, 14px);
Here all values have the same unit:
.foo {
width: clamp(10px, 4px, 10px);
/* becomes */
.foo {
width: 24px;