项目作者: simizlab

项目描述 :
Atlas guided em algorithm
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/simizlab/atlas-guided-em-algorithm.git
创建时间: 2019-05-17T09:07:52Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Atlas guided EM Algorithm

This implementation is based on Shimizu, A., Ohno, R., Ikegami, T. et al. (2007) Segmentation of multiple organs in non-contrast 3D abdominal CT images, Int J CARS 2: 135. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-007-0135-z.

Note this is not official implementation.

Please use at your own responsibility.


Nuget package

  • Eigen

  • Boost

  • ITK

Another library (already contained)


  • Windows 10 pro

  • Visual Studio 2015

  • Release x64

Detail of data

Data I used is as follow:

Label correspondense

Organs Label number
others 0
liver 1
spleen 2
kidneyL 3
kidneyR 4
heart 5
gallbladder 6
pancreas 7
aorta 8
portal 10
stomachWall 11
oesophagus 12

In this case, i didnt use heart label since it is not included in mask image region.


Original Label Mask

How to use

First of all, please build all project.

And then, please put your data into data/preprocessed folder.

  1. data
  2. └─preprocessed
  3. ├─abdominal_cavity_mask <--- mask image e.g. region of interest image
  4. ├─label <--- label image
  5. └─org <--- original image

I show flow chart as bellow:


1. generate_atlas

Generate atlas.

This program outputs into results/generate_atlas.

  1. bat\generate_atlas.bat

2. compute_features

Compute features each original image.

In this case, we calculate median image.

  1. bat\compute_features.bat

3. calc_init_val

Compute initial value for em algorithm using training data.

  1. bat\calc_init_val.bat

4. apply_em_algorithm

Apply em algorithm to test data

  1. bat\apply_em_algorithm_using_atlas.bat

5. apply_maximum_a_posteriori

Apply maximum a posteriori to test data

  1. bat\apply_maximum_a_posteriori.bat


I show example of result.

Predict Ground truth Original

I evaluate my result in terms of Jaccard Index.

organs JI
liver 0.862857
spleen 0.616608
kidneyL 0.666968
kidneyR 0.548733
gallbladder 0.187473
pancreas 0.35192
aorta 0.606638
IVC 0.566764
portal 0.0789795
stomachWall 0.13219
oesophagus 0.0801887
other 0.728133