项目作者: fnando

项目描述 :
Create and verify signed urls. Supports expiration time.
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/fnando/url_signature.git
创建时间: 2020-11-04T08:15:44Z

开源协议:MIT License


URL Signature

Create and verify signed urls. Supports expiration time.



  1. gem install url_signature

Or add the following line to your project’s Gemfile:

  1. gem "url_signature"


To create a signed url, you can use SignedURL.call(url, **kwargs), where
arguments are:

  • key: The secret key that will be used to generate the HMAC digest.
  • params: Any additional params you want to add as query strings.
  • expires: Any integer representing an epoch time. Urls won’t be verified
    after this date. By default, urls don’t expire.
  • hmac_proc: Proc that will generate the signature. By default, it generates
    a base64url(sha512_hmac(data)) signature (with no padding). The proc will be
    called with two parameters: key and data.
  • signature_param: The signature’s param name. By default it’s signature.
  • expires_param: The expires’ param name. By default it’s expires.
  1. key = "secret"
  2. signed_url = SignedURL.call("https://nandovieira.com", key: key)
  3. #=> "https://nandovieira.com/?signature=87fdf44a5109c54edff2e0258b354e32ba5b..."

You can use the method SignedURL.verified?(url, **kwargs) to verify if a
signed url is valid.

  1. key = "secret"
  2. signed_url = SignedURL.call("https://nandovieira.com", key: key)
  3. SignedURL.verified?(signed_url, key: key)
  4. #=> true

Alternatively, you can use SignedURL.verify!(url, **kwargs), which will raise
exceptions if a url cannot be verified (e.g. has been tampered, it’s not fresh,
or is a plain invalid url).

  • URLSignature::InvalidURL if url is not valid
  • URLSignature::ExpiredURL if url has expired
  • URLSignature::InvalidSignature if the signature cannot be verified

To create a url that’s valid for a time window, use :expires. The following
example create a url that’s valid for 2 minutes.

  1. key = "secret"
  2. signed_url = SignedURL.call(
  3. "https://nandovieira.com",
  4. key: secret,
  5. expires: Time.now.to_i + 120
  6. )
  7. #=> "https://nandovieira.com/?expires=1604477596&signature=7ac5eaee20d316..."




For more details about how to contribute, please read


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the
MIT License. A copy of the license can be
found at https://github.com/fnando/url_signature/blob/main/LICENSE.md.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the url_signature project’s codebases, issue trackers,
chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the
code of conduct.