Cuckoo Filter is a thread safe probability filter that performs set membership tests.
A thread safe probability filter that performs set membership tests. A lookup returns either might be in set or definitely not in set.
Maven pom.xml
CuckooFilter filter = CuckooFilter.create(10000)
This creates a cuckoo filter of with expected max capacity of 10,000
, false positive probability of 0.001
(or 0.1%), and concurrency level of 8
Expected Max Capacity specifies the expected number of items this set can hold.
False Positive Probability is the probability that lookup item operation will return a false positive.
The allowed concurrency among read and write operations is guided by Concurrency Level.
To lookup an item in the filter, use the mightContain()
CuckooFilter tables = CuckooFilter.create(100).build();
boolean tableMightExist = tables.mightContain(tableHash)
if (!tableMightExist) {
// table definitely does not exist, do not query database
If mightContain()
returns true
, the item might or might not be in the filter. If mightContain()
returns false
, the item is definitely not in the set.
To put an item into the filter, use the put()
CuckooFilter blacklistedWebsites = CuckooFilter.create(3000000).build();
boolean success = blacklistedWebsites.put(websiteHash);
if (!success) {
// set expectedMaxCapacity reached...
Always check the boolean
returned from the put()
method. If put()
returns true
, the item is successfully inserted. If put()
returns false
, the filter has reached its capacity. In this case, create a new filter with larger capacity.
To remove an item from the filter, use the remove()
CuckooFilter cdnCachedContents = CuckooFilter.create(100000000).build();
Use a performant hashing library that generates a well distributed long hash value for items. For example, OpenHFT’s Zero Allocation Hash or Google’s Guava Hashing.
LongHashFunction hashFunction = LongHashFunction.xx();
long itemHash = hashFunction.hashChars("item-foo");
if (!filter.mightContain(itemHash)) {
// item definitely does not exist in filter...