项目作者: snowdrop

项目描述 :
Spring Boot HTTP CRUD Booster
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/snowdrop/crud-example.git
创建时间: 2017-03-20T15:32:59Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


CRUD Spring Boot Example


Table of Contents


  • JDK 11+ installed with JAVA_HOME configured appropriately

Deploying application on OpenShift using Dekorate

Before deploying the application using Dekorate, make sure you have deployed the database first:

  1. oc create -f .openshiftio/database.yaml

:warning: If you are using OCP 4.6 use the .openshiftio/database-4.6.yaml file instead.

Once the database is up and running, we can deploy the application using Dekorate:

  1. mvn clean verify -Popenshift -Ddekorate.deploy=true

To deploy the application using a specific Spring Boot version use the -Dspring-boot.version switch.

  1. mvn clean verify -Popenshift -Ddekorate.deploy=true -Dspring-boot.version=2.6.7

Deploying application on OpenShift using Helm

First, make sure you have installed the Helm command line and connected/logged to a kubernetes cluster.

Then, you need to install the example by doing:

  1. helm install crud ./helm --set app.route.expose=true --set app.s2i.source.repo=https://github.com/snowdrop/crud-example --set app.s2i.source.ref=<branch-to-use>

note: Replace <branch-to-use> with one branch from https://github.com/snowdrop/crud-example/branches/all.

And to uninstall the chart, execute:

  1. helm uninstall crud

Deploying application on Kubernetes using Helm


You need to install the example by doing:

  1. helm install crud ./helm --set app.ingress.host=<your k8s domain>

And to uninstall the chart, execute:

  1. helm uninstall crud

Running Tests on OpenShift using Dekorate

  1. ./run_tests_with_dekorate_in_ocp.sh

:warning: If you are using OCP 4.6 applying the --ocp-database-file ".openshiftio/database-4.6.yaml" parameter.

Alternatively, tests can be executed against a specific Spring Boot or Dekorate version by passing the
version as a -D<variable property name>=value parameter. For instance overriding both the Spring Boot and the Dekorate versions using their corresponding version properties is done the following way:

  1. ./run_tests_with_dekorate_in_ocp.sh -Dspring-boot.version=2.7.3 -Ddekorate.version=2.11.1

Running Tests on OpenShift using S2i from Source

  1. ./run_tests_with_s2i.sh

:warning: If you are using OCP 4.6 apply the --ocp-database-file=".openshiftio/database-4.6.yaml" parameter.

This script can take the following parameters:

  • --repository-url: repository to use to source the images from
  • --branch-to-test: branch to use to source the images from
  • --maven-settings: custom maven settings file
  • --ocp-database-file: custom database yaml file (e.g. --ocp-database-file ".openshiftio/database-4.6.yaml")
  1. ./run_tests_with_s2i.sh --repository-url "https://github.com/snowdrop/crud-example" \
  2. --branch-to-test branch-to-test \
  3. --maven-settings "${HOME}/.m2/my-custom-maven-settings.xml" \
  4. --ocp-database-file ".openshiftio/database-4.6.yaml"

Running Tests on OpenShift using Helm

  1. ./run_tests_with_helm_in_ocp.sh

This script can take 2 parameters referring to the repository and the branch to use to source the images from.

  1. ./run_tests_with_helm_in_ocp.sh "https://github.com/snowdrop/crud-example" branch-to-test

Running Tests on Kubernetes using Helm

First, you need to create the k8s namespace:

  1. kubectl create namespace <the k8s namespace>

Then, run the tests by specifying the container registry and the kubernetes namespace:

  1. ./run_tests_with_helm_in_k8s.sh <your container registry: for example "quay.io/user"> <the k8s namespace>

For example:

  1. ./run_tests_with_helm_in_k8s.sh "quay.io/user" "myNamespace"