项目作者: jared-jewitt

项目描述 :
GraphQL + PostgreSQL
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/jared-jewitt/backend-booster-graphql-postgresql.git
创建时间: 2020-08-31T17:00:01Z

开源协议:MIT License


Backend Booster - GraphQL + PostgreSQL

This codebase is a GraphQL + PostgreSQL boilerplate. It is intended to be used as a
Booster for my Launchpad.
However, that being said, it can still be used completely on its own.



  • 👨‍🚀 Apollo Server 3
  • 🦄 TSC + Webpack for code transpiling and bundling
  • 🤖 TypeGraphQL + TypeORM for shared schema and entity classes
  • 🔒 JWT based authentication
  • 🌎 Path aliasing for streamlined imports
  • 🌈 Prettier + ESLint for consistent code style
  • 🐺 Husky + lint-staged for code quality assurance
  • 🧪 Mocha + apollo-boost for unit and end-to-end tests


🏃 Getting Started

Starting the fully-fledged backend is as simple as running the commands below.

  1. sh setup.sh
  2. make database
  3. make server

⌨️ Commands

Command Description
make database Launches the database container
make server Launches the server container
make down Removes the database + server containers
make nuke Purges all database + server containers, images, networks, volumes
make bash Shells into the server to run one-off commands. e.g. npm run test:e2e
Command Description
npm run build Bundles the app into a single build folder
npm run prod Runs the built server on $PORT 7002 (must run npm run build first)
npm run dev Runs the server with hot reloading on $PORT 7000
npm run test Runs the entire suite of unit and end-to-end tests
npm run test:e2e Runs the suite of end-to-end tests
npm run test:unit Runs the suite of unit tests
npm run db:seed Seeds the database with dummy data
npm run db:wipe Drops the database and all its data
npm run db:migrate:generate Generates a migration file with all SQL queries needed to update the database
npm run db:migrate:create Creates an empty migration file for you to fill in
npm run db:migrate:up Executes all pending migrations
npm run db:migrate:down Reverts the most recently executed migration
npm run db:migrate:show Shows all migrations and whether they’ve been run or not

🌱 Environment Variables

Environment variables are injected into the app at runtime. To add a new environment variable, you will need to update
the following files:

Please note the environment variables in each of these places are only used when running the app locally. If you are
deploying this app, it is expected you specify env vars on the hosted server and reference them in
google-cloud-build/build.yaml and
google-cloud-build/promote.yaml. See deployment.

🔃 Migrations

Migrations are located in the migrations folder. To create a migration, run either of the following

  • npm run db:migrate:create -- -n <name> —> This will create an empty migration file ready for you to populate
  • npm run db:migrate:generate -- -n <name> —> This will create a migration file and write all SQL queries needed to
    update the database. If there were no changes generated from the last migration, the command will exit with code 1

When creating and running migrations, it’s a very good idea to stop your dev server if it’s running. Since the server
runs with syncronize on in dev mode, it will automatically try to update your schema as you change your code. Which
can be very frustrating as you’re trying to test out your migrations.

🚀 Deployment

Instructions here

⚖️ License

Code released under the MIT License