Cerebro plugin for searching Boostnote notes
Cerebro plugin for searching Boostnote notes.
On Cerebro window, plugin install
and search for “Boostnote” plugin.
This plugin is not compatible with the upstream Cerebro application until this PR is merged. To be able to use this plugin right now, you need to build Cerebro from source and include the code from the specified PR.
To be able to use this plugin, you need to configure the “storagePath” option in the plugin settings. This can be any folder where your Boostnote are stored (and can include multiple Boostnote storage folders).
Cerebro will automatically index all your notes in the background hourly. To force an index update or after configuring the plugin, run boost reload
The plugin can be triggered either by typing “boost” or “!b”.
You can filter by tags using “hash” sign. Ex: “#php”, it will display all notes with tag “PHP”.
Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/brpaz/cerebro-plugin-boostnote
Install dependencies
yarn install
Launch the plugin
npm start