Rack middleware for easily adding custom headers
Custom headers for your rack app.
This simple rack middleware will allow you to easily add custom headers to your request/response.
gem 'rack_custom_headers'
In config/application.rb
config.middleware.use Rack::CustomHeaders <hash options with headername and generator proc>
config.middleware.use Rack::CustomHeaders, "X-Trace-ID" => -> { SecureRandom.hex(10) }, "X-Foo" => -> :default
Refer docs for more details.
In config.ru
use Rack::RequestID <hash options same as above>
Headers will only be added. If header already present, it will not be overridden.
A config hash is mandatory to be passed in use
otherwise nothing will be added.
Config hash should be of the format "header-name" => -> { ... }
or "header-name" => :default
When symbol :default
is passed instead of proc, a new UUID
will be generated and added.