项目作者: merrychap

项目描述 :
:recycle: Redirection tool helper for squid proxy-server to redirect web requests on demand to another location
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/merrychap/squid-redirect.git
创建时间: 2018-06-07T16:22:30Z

开源协议:MIT License



General info

squid-redirect is a tool for managing redirections of squid proxy-server. It is easy to use and you can add redirect rule without any effort.

It was tested on Kali Linux.

How it works

All redirects are stored in one json file called redirections.json. You can change this file without restarting squid, all changes will be applied immediately.

Don’t forget to leave one empty extra line at the bottom of redirections.json file!

How to setup

  1. You can run setup.sh file. It will produce all below operations. Now see 5 step.

  2. First of all, we have to install squid itself (using apt-get or building by yourself):

  1. $ sudo apt-get install squid
  1. Build squid-redirect using make:

    1. make
  2. The next step is copying src/main binary and redirections.json file to /tmp/squid-redirect/ directory (this directory will be changed in the future).

  3. After this, copy squid.conf to /etc/squid/ (make a backup of the original squid.conf before replacing it).

  4. Restart squid and reconfigure it by typing:

  1. sudo service squid restart
  2. sudo squid -k reconfigure
  1. Now you can change /tmp/squid-redirect/redirections.json file to setup desired redirections.

Also, if you want to see logs, then type the next:

  1. sudo journalctl -u squid.service -b