项目作者: jhoelzl

项目描述 :
Redirects store view urls (e.g. from search engine result page) to the correct store view, otherwise standard 404 magento error
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/jhoelzl/JH_Storeredirect.git
创建时间: 2016-01-28T12:21:48Z




When you are using Magento Store Views as languages for your Magento shop you probably experiencing 404 error pages when you try to open an URL from another store view and you have disabled storecodes in URLs. By default, Magento routes the request to a 404 error page in the current active store view. This is a major problem when your localized store view URLs are indexed by search engines or other systems.

This small extension simply redirects Magento request URLs (e.g. from search engine result page) to the correct (or best matching) store view and bypasses the standard 404 magento error page.

How does it work?

Search is done for column request_path in table core_url_rewrite. The module does not check admin requests, only frontend requests.
When only one store view is found for the request URL, this store view is used for redirection. However, when two or more store views are found, the best matching store view for the request url is given through the sort order in Backend > Configuration > Manage Stores.

This module also works when you have multiple Magento websites. It only performs redirections to the store views that are assigned to the current website.


  • Install the extension via GitHub, Composer, modman or a similar method. The extension is listed on packages.firegento.com.
  • Clear the cache, logout from the admin panel and then login again.
  • Enable/Disable redirection in Magento Backend under System > Configuration > JH Modules > Store Redirect.

Known Issues

  • When you have a custom Magento Backend URL, maybe you have to exclude this URL in Observer.php on Line 11.
  • Also investigate and test the behaviour of your shop carefully. Maybe some unwanted redirections are performed.


Feel free to make a pull request when you have ideas for improving.


  • Fia FTP: Remove all extension files from your Magento installation
  • Via modman: modman remove JH_Storeredirect
  • Via composer, remove the line of your composer.json related to jh_storeredirect
  • Optional: Remove entry with path “storeredirect/general/enable” from table core_config_data