A MIME multipart text splitter.
mpsep is simple python3 script for separeting a MIME multipart-text to the e-mail body text and the attached files.
mpsep needs Python3 for running script.
mpsep.py [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [file]
Separate MIME multi-part text into its body text and the attached files.
The decoded body-text is written to STDOUT. The attached files are restored as the files.
optional arguments:
-h, —help
show this help message and exit
A destination directory path of the attached files.
if the directory is not exist, make it.
if not fed, mpsep restore the attached files to current directory.
Using with openssl to decrypt/decode S/MIME message, like ‘smime.p7m’.
When you decrypt and verify smime enveloped message with openssl’s smime command, you’ll get multiparted email text.
Then, mpsep.py parses the multipert text and flush e-mail text to STDOUT. If there are some attached files, restore them into the directory at the same time.
openssl smime -decrypt -in smime.p7m -inform der -inkey [your private key] | \
openssl smime -verify -inkey [your private key] -noverify | \
mpsep.py -d [output directory for the attached files]